Located next to the adventure playground, the sensory garden provides a range of outdoor entertainment; the top half of the garden features outdoor instruments such as a xylophone, bells and large organ pipes, all aimed to create an etherial and audible sensory experience.

The lower half of the garden houses a range of equipment designed to stimulate sight and sound. It features a hall of mirrors and a water fountain. From this spot there is a also a lovely view of the countryside where parents can sit in quiet to relax and take in the scenery.
All this is set among a series of winding paths, covered walkways, trellis, benches, raised flower beds and trees.The plants themselves have all been carefully chosen for their scents and textures.
Scattered throughout the sensory garden are large games including a giant connect 4, noughts and crosses, puzzle games and pinball, which are all designed to create both a fun and relaxing environment.